Thanks to all who have stopped by and left encouraging comments. I really really appreciate each one of you. My husband stopped by my blog and told me I needed to update it. I did not realize that I had not blogged in a month. All kinds of things have been happening.
I got sick at the beginning of April with a horrible cold so that knocked me out for about a week. As for adoption, we will jump back on that road at the end of June. I am scared to try again, but we will move ahead in faith. What else can we do? We know for sure we want a child so I have to find the courage to try again.
In the mean time, I am still doing needlework, reading with my book club and hanging with friends.
My book club has been together for more than a year! I have been in two previous book clubs and none of them stayed together this long. I think we have read about 15 books together. I did did not read the last book because we were caught up in the adoption madness. This month we decided to read a classic: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. Its good so far. I am half reading and half listening to it on audio. It should be a great discussion in a few weeks.
Here is my latest work in progress:

and a close up of one of the squares:

Its an afghan, for my sister-in-law. I am making it as a Christmas gift. Each strip is made up of 6 squares. I have to make one more strip and then connect them and border them in black yarn. Should be pretty. I love the colors. I am participating in a Gift Along here:
Gift Along
Once I finish this I will have met the 2nd quarterly challenge and will be entered into a drawing for some fab prizes! I hope I win!!!!
I am planning to finish this soon because my time will be limited as of May 1. After thinking long and hard about it and speaking to my hubby about it, I applied to grad school!!!! And I start May 1. I have always intended to go to Grad school. I graduated from Northwestern University 20 YEARS AGO!!!! I cannot believe it has been that long! I took some graduate level coursed when I first got out of college, however, life got busy and my priorities got a little muddled and basically, life happened. Fast forward to 2002. I got married and pretty much immediately started trying to get pregnant. Since that resulted in no baby, we moved on toward adoption. And so far no baby. Every time I have thought about trying to go back to school in the past few years, I decided to put it on the back burner because I was either trying to get pregnant or going through the adoption process. With this last failed placement, I got really down and felt like I had been trying to accomplish something and have nothing really to show for it. I kept thinking that I could have had 2 master's degrees by now if I had just started. So now, I am starting. I found an online program that is fairly flexible. And, if I need to slow it down or stop it once we get our child, thats what I will do. For now, I am going back to school!!!! I am excited and nervous. Northwestern was not easy. I must admit, I barely graduated, but I did it! Even so, when I started, I defined myself by my intelligence. By the time I graduated, I did not know who I was. Simply put, I was BEAT DOWN after I got out of school! So, I am a little nervous about being a student again. I am hoping that when they say older students make better students, that they are speaking truth. We shall see!
I do plan to continue crocheting and knitting and sewing, just not as much. Gotta have some fun, right?
Anyway, I will be blogging in the future about how my almost 43 year old brain is progressing in school. Pray for me!
And keep praying for us re the adoption.
I'm so glad to see an update! Hey, just because your blog started as a "knitting" blog doesn't mean that you can't talk about other stuff as much as you want. Your loyal readers will stay with you ((wink wink)).
I wish you all the best with your grad school endeavors. You'll do great.
Welcome back to blogland. I'm so glad to see you posting again. I've been thinking about you a lot, and hoping that all is well. Grad school? How exciting! My sister recently completed her graduate degree--- at the age of 56! Hey - learning is life-long. Congratulations, and I know you'll do great. Just the same, you will be in my thoughts and prayers with the baby stuff and the school stuff!
SO good to hear from you again!
LOL @ hubby had to spur you along! ;op
You will do wonderful in grad school!!
And STAND STRONG in going forward with the adoption search!! Your faith WILL carry you and your honey thru!
Until next blog time! :o)
I will keep you in my prayers regarding having your adoption progress. It's a long a bumpy road but its worth the effort.
I wanted to mention I haven't forgotton your "Pay It Forward" prize. I am on it!
I'm glad you're feeling better and have posted an update :)
Good luck with grad school!! My thoughts are with you and your husband and your adoption plans.
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