Wednesday, June 23, 2010

back again already!

Well, I am feeling a bit free. I just turned in my last paper for my accounting class. Whew! This class kicked my butt! At any rate, its just about over. I have one last 6 month term and I will have my MBA! I am so looking forward to finishing this program. I started it before our son was born and it has been so hard to keep going at it. And believe me, I have been whining the whole time. Its been like pulling teeth to get me to finish my work. I have a great mentor who continues to encourage me through this program. I owe him a lot.

I felt so free that I wanted to bake something for my girlfriends who I was going to see tonight. So I found this great blog while internet surfing several months ago:

Mennonite Girls Can Cook.

They have some great recipes and I cannot wait to try more of them. Tonight I made this:


It was a total hit with my girlfriends!

Check out my version. I did it with peaches.

platzMy Platz

Its very tasty. THis recipe is a keeper for sure.

Other than studying and caring for my family, I have also been crafting. I started my second Crazy Shortcut Quilt and am considering joining this quilt along:


Clearly I am a bit delusional about my time!

Anyway, I am planning to blog more about my crafting, my cooking and my progress in school. Bye for now!

oh, here is a pic of the baby boy mentioned above. He is growing and changing everyday. Its so hard to believe that he is 14 months old already!


ok seriously this time: Bye for now!

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