I participated in my first Craft Fair 2 weeks ago. It was fun. My guild has a table. I had not really made much so I did not try to sell any of my own stuff, but it was fun to man the table and help everyone else. Look at all the stuff we had on our table:

Last weekend, I attended the Harvest Festival at the school where my husband is the assistant principal. He judged the chili cook-off:

See the lady judge in the Pebbles costume? Her husband won the cook-off. The fix was in! I did not enter because my husband was a judge. Go figure.
I did enter the pie baking contest. Take a look at the entries.

See the 3rd one from the left? Thats mine! It was a Sweet Potato Pumpkin Pie. It was awesome! But did I win? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Close up of my pie:

Looks good right? Well it tasted even better than it looked!
So, once the contest was over, they sold the slices for $1.00. Look at the pics of the pies after the contest.

The pie on the far right in the red plate was the winner. It was some sort of chocolate cheesecake creation. Is that even a pie? The second one from the left, the green one with whipped cream, was the runner up. Now, take a gander at the nearly empty pie plate to the right of the key lime pie. The one that pretty much only has crumbs left. Thats whats left of my pie!!! The NON WINNER! I think the fix was in again. Because the lady behind the table won the contest! I was robbed! But I am not bitter.
No news on the adoption front. We have had a few calls here and there but no match so far. Keep praying!
I will finish up with more works FO's and WIPs

Special Olympics Scarves:

Special Project. More on that later: