Tank: finished back and progress on the front:

4.5 out of eight squares:

You can see the patterns on the squares better on this one:

Not as much going this weekend as last, but I did go to my monthly knitting guild meeting. Here I am during the Show and Share portion of our time together:

You know, I usually hate taking pictures. But I am forcing myself to do it this year. I figure that I will not live forever and one day, someone is going to want to see pictures of me. So, I am doing it. I look at this picture and am so proud of myself for taking it and posting it. I am also proud because I have lost about 15 pounds since May 1! So, even though I still have a lot more to lose, I can see in this picture that I have made obvious progress. You know how it is. It takes a longer time for you to see yourself change that for others to see it. People who know me have been commenting about my weight loss, but this week was the first time that I could really see it! I have been doing the southbeach diet and it truly works well for me.
Alright, I am off. See you all when I get back!
The tank is coming along nicely!
Great job @ 15lbs! WHOA! Definitely continue to take pics. That is how you can see your progress and feel good like you just did! :oD
Have a great vacation!
I like that you do "show and share"... what a great idea!
Congratualtions on losing 15lbs - way to go!
Congrats on the weight lost!!Your tank is looking good!!!
congrats on the 15lbs!
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